Beware of the Hidden Sugar in Your Food

Simply AMAZING !!  in an October 25th post, the professionals at “Diabetes Innovations” Diabetes_Innovations_Watch_out_for_hidden_sugar( raise the flag for one of the most disturbing causes of diabetes – The Hidden Sugar !! No wonder so many straggle to balance either their over weight or diabetes when there are “un-accounted for” sugar quantities if various foods in our daily regular and especially in some personaly tailored diabetic meal plans.


Here is what they say, quite mildly put: “Just because sugar isn’t mentioned on the ingredient label of the product doesn’t mean that it’s sugar-free. There are over 20 words manufacturers can use for sugar without actually saying sugar. These include synonyms such as syrup, sweetener and anything ending in ‘ose’. (e.g, fructose).

Share, if you want to raise the awareness of others, and maybe promote new & better labeling of foods to expose all hidden ingredients, like hidden sugar:


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