how to remember diabetes meal plan recommendations

If there ever was an easy way, this seems to be nominated #1 as the easiest way to remember diabetes meal plan recommendations, wouldn't you agree ?

For those who require some memory enhancers – check up the tips right after you watch this amazing video, a clear proof you CAN sing and eat at the same time – watch how:


The basic tips to remember with diabetes meal plan, and how to eat to keep blood sugar level a balanced as possible ( ** Please remember to consult your professional therapist, or MD physician for personal adaptation):

1 Prefer several smaller meals to a fewer large ones.

2 Carry with you something sweet. This may be very useful if you meet with sudden drop of blood glucose.

3 Combine fresh, raw foods with prepared, cooked servings.

4 Prefer whole, natural food ingredients to processed refined components.

5 Prefer to drink as little as possible with your meals, so as not to interfere with the natural digestive process by diluting the digestive fluids. yet….

6 Drink whenever you are thirsty.

7 Although this is about diabetic meal plans – include in your daily schedule proper time for a good sleep, and minimum or above time for proper physical activities. They are both crucial to help balance diabetes, and enable your body to use the meal components bringing the highest health benefits.


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