Diabetic Foot Pain and Natural Foot Care


One of the misfortunate symptoms of diabetes is where damage can be caused to blood vessels and nerves in the feet. Then, circulation may be impaired and infections might form on the feet without the person even realizing it. This is one reason why diabetic foot pain may be a good thing, since diabetic feet problems can ultimately cause major complications and even amputation.

#SymptomsOfDiabetes , #DiabeticFootPain

Because of the nature of diabetes, damage can be caused to blood vessels and nerves in the feet, called neuropathy in feet. The impaired circulation may lower the body’s normal response to sores and lesions, leading to infections that can form on the feet without the person being aware to the fact. Unfortunately, too often this can lead to major complications and even feet amputation. Diabetes, in general, also impairs the immune system. So, diabetics are more prone to infection, where other people proceed unharmed. It is very important therefore, that those who suffer from the disease should have regular foot examinations by their doctor, and know whether or not they have any significant nerve damage.

To prevent this from the onset you should get into a routine of checking and caring for your feet. This is especially important if you already have any nerve, or blood vessel damage, or other symptoms of foot problems. Here are the 20 core natural tips for keeping your diabetic foot pain at bay, and apply natural foot care to enjoy healthy feet:

1 Inspect both your feet thoroughly every day. Pay special attention to the areas you find hard to see, such as between the toes, the soles of the feet and around the ankles.

2 Clean your feet daily in lukewarm water. Test the heat level in advance with your hands, to rule out any possibility of burns. Use a natural soap, them dry them thoroughly to prevent fungal infection.

** Extra Tips:
Advanced research in aromatherapy suggests that certain plants and flowers bear some unique healing properties. These are added to the ingredients of specific natural soaps and lotions. You might check them up here. They might add nice scents and improve your mood.

3 Protect your feet at all times by wearing well fitted, comfortable yet sturdy shoes.

4 Never walk around barefoot, without some kind of footwear to protect your feet.

5 Clean, dry cotton or wool socks are also a good way to protect your feet from pressure points and bacteria caused by sweat.

** Extra Tips:
There are very advanced socks available today, that incorporate the unique benefits of natural & high tech components. Some include copper filaments, others use silver ions to naturally protect against bacteria and fungi. There are also socks with bio-ceramic fibers, that lower the stress in the feet by applying Far infra red technology.

6 Always apply a little amount of a natural foot lotion that contains antibacterial agents to the soles of your feet after bathing. Consider to avoid the skin between the _1Bunion_pain_pain_in_ball_of_foot_Olive_oil_to_alleviate_pain_heel_pain_treatmenttoes, if the lotion collects moisture to these spaces. Diabetics may find that the skin on their feet is especially dry, and cracks easily. This can potentially leave them open to infection.

** Extra Tips:
Applying organic, cold pressed olive oil to nourish the skin of your feet, also brings to use a unique characteristic of the olive oil – soothing and reducing discomfort.

7 When cutting your toenails – always soak the feet in advance in a proper foot soak with antibacterial properties. This will soften the nails and cleanse away any bacteria and grime that might lead to harm otherwise. Remember, to cut the nail straight across with a nail clipper, since curved nails are more likely to become ingrown, especially at the sides.

>> Continue to part 2


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