type 1 diabetes delete order

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Many thanks to the shared efforts to defeat type one diabetes, also promoted by the JDRF and their continuous promotion of such important information.


One comment

  • I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, then two months later was told I am officially diabetic. I had never been told in the past that there was any issue with blood sugar. Also, I didn’t know that peripheral neuropathy was “reversible.”.

    Everything I’ve read has stated that it’s possible to prevent it from getting worse, but that if you have it, it won’t go away. If there’s a possibility for it to go away, then I can hope again.

    I understand that carbs play an important role in controlling diabetes (can diabetes be reversed ?) I know there’s no “cure”, and Weight Watchers counts carbs in its calculation of “points.”.

    Fortunately, each food item shows you the amount of carbs, not merely the points. I just have to pay much closer attention to it. I read that a woman trying to lose weight should eat between 15 and 30 carbs at each meal… does this sound right? If so, I think I can probably use Weight Watchers to my advantage in the carb department. I found an interesting article on the role of insulin and how it reacts to blood sugar, etc. If you are interested, I’ll post the link here if this forum allows me to do that.

    I want to thank you, Diane, for your insight, interest, and responsiveness to my questions, of which I’m sure you’ve been asked many times before.

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