For many years it was considered conventional wisdom that type 2 diabetes comes with many options for cure and prevention. Yet, for those unfortunate […]

Sharing News, Tips & Tools to Help Diagnose, Treat and Cure Diabetes
If there ever was an easy way, this seems to be nominated #1 as the easiest way to remember diabetes meal plan recommendations, wouldn’t you agree ? For those who require some memory enhancers – check up the tips right after you watch this amazing video, a clear proof you CAN sing and eat at the same time – watch […]
Read moreFor many years it was considered conventional wisdom that type 2 diabetes comes with many options for cure and prevention. Yet, for those unfortunate with type 1 there was no real alternative known to medical science besides dealing with the side effects. Now, it seems this knowledge may be going to change, and the answer to those who wonder […]
Read moreExercise and diabetes should go hand in hand. Exercise is a critical part of diabetic management and treatment, at nearly every level, since it is a core component of the natural energy flow. Lack of proper exercise may lead to stagnancy, which in turn could deteriorate even the smallest signs of diabetes. On the other hand, exercise helps with blood […]
Read moreWhen you go on to make your own diabetic meal plan – this is one of the best basic rules we’ve encountered so far: What are the one to three basic rules you apply while preparing your own diabetic meal plan ??
Read moreEither you are worried to discover the first signs of diabetes in man or women, or you or your loved ones already suffer symptoms of diabetes, there will always be the question who holds the best, most qualified diabetes care knowledge ?? When we remember than all therapists and medical doctors invest numerous years to learn and be able […]
Read moreThe answer to the obvious dilemma – is stevia bad for you – may be hiding in the next words. Stevia is a common shrub native to South America, especially to Paraguay and Brazil. Extensive research shows that it has been used by the native Guarani Indians for over 1500 years. Traditionally, the Guarani’s used stevia as a natural […]
Read moreIn this part of the three articles series, are the additional issues to consider, with tips added to help with diabetic foot pain: 15 Regularly clean the bath and the shower with a natural cleaner. Spraying some diluted tea tree oil around the drain can help keep the fungi and the bacteria away. 16 To keep your feet warm in bed wear […]
Read moreContinuing the first part, here are additional issues to consider, with tips added to help with diabetic foot pain: 8 Using a gentle, natural foot scrub can smooth any small rough areas before they become a problematic issue. 9 Exercise promotes good circulation, which is very important to enable natural protection of the feet. So, walk daily and don’t sit in one […]
Read moreBlue is the color for natural healing. How much blue did you wear on world diabetes day ? Wish you had another chance – here you go: Wear the natural healing power of the blue color for the whole World Diabetes Month :
Read moreHelp defeat type 1 diabetes – share the Delete Order button: Many thanks to the shared efforts to defeat type one diabetes, also promoted by the JDRF and their continuous promotion of such important information.
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